Agroecology: For people
The transformation of our food system must be designed from the grassroots up, built on local knowledge, diversity, culture and traditions, and bring social cohesion and equity to communities. Everyone has the right to good food. We support the empowerment of small-scale farmers and food producers who bypass the industrial farming system by offering good food direct to communities through local supply chains.
Agroecology: For nature
Farming that promotes diversity, not monocultures, is the only way to produce good food at the same time as protecting people and the planet from climate change and biodiversity loss. Working with natural processes and avoiding artificial fertilisers and pesticides protects and enhances biodiversity. Small, mixed farms that work with nature are more productive per hectare than industrial farms.
Agroecology: For climate
Farms that work with nature are more resilient to a changing climate in which droughts and flooding are becoming more common. Green manures, inter-cropping, no-till, tree- and hedge-planting all improve the quality of soils and keep carbon and water in the ground. Agroecological farming recognises that diversity, co-creation and cooperation are essential – such as combining local traditional knowledge with global climate science.
Thanks to Chloe, Holly and Rachel at RealVeg CSA in Suffolk