Juice It, Bottle It, Dry It webinar – Brighton & Hove Food Partnership slides


Brighton & Hove Food Partnership slides from Juice It, Bottle It, Dry It webinar about how to extend the shelf life of surplus fruit and veg.

The webinar featured:

🍏@brightonpermaculture – whose volunteers at the Fruit Factory and Scrumping HQ save 30 tonnes of Sussex fruit from going to waste per year, by making fresh and pasteurised juice.

🎃 @sussexsurplus – who process farm scale surplus veg into tasty long-life jars of soup, which are sold wholesale and support community meal projects.

🥕 @btnhovefood – who create dehydrated packs of vegetables called Flavour packs, which can be stored without a fridge and added to simple ingredients to make a delicious meal.

This webinar is part of a series of learning events created through the @tnlcommunityfund Ready Healthy Eat Project, a UK wide partnership led by the @realfarmingtrust

Find out more about Ready Healthy Eat