College for Real Farming and Food Culture

Good food for everyone forever

The dominant globalised food system ─ from production to consumption ─ concentrates power and profits in the hands of a few corporations and aims to maximise profit. Within this paradigm, the planet exists to be exploited and the well-being of people and the welfare of animals are incidental concerns. This has contributed to a myriad of crises, including the climate crisis, land degradation, labour exploitation, health crises, the undercutting of local markets and livelihoods of food producers, and more.

In contrast, food sovereignty is established through democratic control of the food system, with the well-being of people and the planet at its core and established throughout, from production to consumption. Food sovereignty was initially articulated by the international social movement of Indigenous peoples, peasants and rural workers, La Via Campesina (see also the 2007 Nyéléni report and the full Declaration of Nyéléni), and is based on six pillars:

  1. The right to sufficient, healthy and culturally appropriate food for all people
  2. Valuing and supporting food providers
  3. Localised food systems
  4. Placing control over production in the hands of food providers
  5. Building skills and local knowledge
  6. Working with nature through agroecological production

We work for food sovereignty as part of this wider movement for change.


Top: Thank you to Chloe, Holly and Rachel at RealVeg CSA in Suffolk