LEAP: Funding real food and farming businesses

The Loans for Enlightened Agriculture Programme (LEAP) supports small-scale agroecological food and farming enterprises with funding and business mentoring. LEAP offers a mix of loan and grant.

Businesses we support

We support all types of agroecological and community-based food and farming businesses, from micro-dairies and bakeries to ethical supermarkets and veg box schemes. We work with people who share our commitment to transforming the food system at a grassroots level. Watch our short video (2 min 37 sec) to hear from some of the farmers, food producers and retailers we’ve supported.

Funding and mentoring

Business mentoring is an important part of what we offer, alongside the finance. We can advise on governance and business planning, including financial forecasting, so that you can feel confident about making loan payments. The really key thing though is that we understand the food and farming sector, and want to see small, ethical, local enterprises succeed.

More about LEAP